Digital product development with lowcode

We help you develop digital products and applications quickly and efficiently using lowcode tools such as Appfarm, Bubble, Webflow and Airtable

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Braver er oppdatert på de nyeste rammeverkene og metodene for å fostre kreativitet, endring og innovasjon, og de evner å skape engasjerende arbeidsprosesser som gir resultater

Aimée Skevik

Braver er oppdatert på de nyeste rammeverkene og metodene for å fostre kreativitet, endring og innovasjon, og de evner å skape engasjerende arbeidsprosesser som gir resultater

Matt Duke

Braver er oppdatert på de nyeste rammeverkene og metodene for å fostre kreativitet, endring og innovasjon, og de evner å skape engasjerende arbeidsprosesser som gir resultater

You want to develop a new digital product for your customers, or an internal tool to streamline an important work process. But it built with traditional coding and development will cost too much, and require more IT resources than you have available.

You want to be more successful with digital product development in your own organization, to bring out better products and services to your customers — but you don't have enough IT people to make it happen.

Your organisation runs on too many manual processes. You know it makes the organisation vulnerable and inefficient, but you don't want to spend millions of dollars developing better internal tools from scratch.

You are tired of the fact that IT projects never “get done” and always end up running way over budget — and you wonder if there is a better way to develop good IT solutions.

We can help you develop digital products, services and internal tools in a fraction of the time it usually takes — thanks to the use of low-code tools like Appfarm, Bubble, Airtable and Webflow.

Here's how it works:


We start by understanding the product or service you want to develop. But instead of spending forever on “user research”, we jump straight into prototyping the first version of the solution in week one.

Low-code tools enable this because they let us to use ready-made components as “building blocks” in our software development process, rather than having to code every building block ourselves.


In a surprisingly short time, the first version will be ready for user testing.

By involving customers in a real (albeit spartan) prototype from the start, we can iterate significantly faster and more often than in a traditional development project. This dramatically improves our odds of making an end result that users love to use.


After the development is complete, the solution can be operated and maintained without incurring enormous costs every month from here to eternity.

This is possible because the underlying low-code platform (e.g. Appfarm) does most of the work related to database maintenance, security and infrastructure for us.

You're in good company with these companies if you choose to work with us:

Explore some of our lowcode and product development projects

Do you want to explore opportunities within idea validation, innovation or digital product development in your organisation?

Book a call with Christer, or phone him on +47 400 52 503

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